The Walker

The Walker

Book Cover

Designed by Estrada Design and edited by Alianza Editorial.
The Walker: On Losing and Finding Oneself in the Modern City (Verso, 2020), a series of chapters on writers including Chesterton, Dickens, Ford, Wells and Woolf, all of whom have placed the experience of walking in the metropolis at the centre of their attempts to understand and represent modernity…

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Alianza Ten Years

Alianza Editorial

The Paperback Book. Ten Years

It has been ten years since Alianza Editorial set about redesigning its iconic The Paperback Book collection, which comprises 1,300 active titles and whose design was entrusted to Manuel Estrada’s studio.
Estrada Design has undertaken a comprehensive graphic project that encompasses not only the book covers but also the art direction of bookstore materials and campaigns, such as this one to celebrate its 10th anniversary.

Today publishing is a mortal sin, some say. In the months of February and March 2021, this tribute to Alianza’s The Paperback Book will bring together writers, literary critics and journalists who, with the collaboration of booksellers and readers, will gather to celebrate reading inspired by works from the extensive catalogue of Alianza’s The Paperback Book collection.
Over these 10 years, the new paperback book has made a meticulous selection of texts, classics, literature and thought, and published a significant number of new editorial developments, all carefully chosen and edited.

One of the chief initiatives of Alianza’s The Paperback Book collection is design. Tasked to Manuel Estrada and Estrada Design, over these 10 years they have produced hundreds of covers and complementary materials, such as this ‘The sin of reading’ campaign.

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