Felipe González
Felipe González
Universal Spaniard award 2021
Felipe González, former Spanish prime minister, received in December 2021 the Universal Spaniard Award, presented every year by the Independent Foundation.
Estrada Design designed the logo for the award ceremony and is working on a book about the figure of the former prime minister.
The award ceremony and dinner, held in the old Madrid Casino, brought together 250 people who followed speeches by Aldo Olcese, chairman of the Independent Foundation; Juan Manuel Santos, former president of Colombia; Isabel Rodríguez, government spokesperson; Ricardo Lagos, former president of Chile; Romano Prodi, former president of the European Commission; Pedro Sánchez, Spanish prime minister, and Felipe González himself.
Este libro, editado por la Fundación Independiente está dedicado a la figura de Felipe González, presidente del Gobierno de España desde 1982 hasta el 1996, con motivo de su elección como ‘Español Universal’ 2021.
Four red, orange and grey pieces drawing the F and G of his name served to create a graphic atmosphere and the backdrop of the stage used for the speeches.
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