Menéndez Pelayo Internacional University

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Menéndez Pelayo Internacional University
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The Sin of Reading III
The Alianza Editorial pocket book
Por tercer año consecutivo, Alianza editorial lanza una campaña de promoción de la lectura y del libro de Bolsillo con el título de “El Pecado de leer”.
En esta edición desde Estrada Design diseñamos varios carteles que se editan a la vez con el libro y la mano que lee y acaricia el libro, como expresión de la lectura como un acto físico, sensitivo y no solo intelectual.
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Cenie. Longevity,
the new line of life
Identity and Applications
Longevity is a long, precise, graphic word in itself. It contains, in its 9 letters and its four syllables, its hopeful meaning. As if it were the conceptualisation of a good wish. That is why this preview of the graphic program on Longevity Economy is based on evidencing the potential of the word and the letter L it begins with.
It is used to generate a logo, which is actually a graphic generator that developed gradually as our work progressed.
It is often said that one way to measure a design is its ability to grow with a project.
We believe that this proposal has that quality.
We shall see.
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The Royal Collections Museum
Identity and Applications
The Royal Collections Gallery is Spain’s key museum initiative of recent years.
The gallery, boasting the outstanding, award-winning architecture of Emilio Tuñón and Luis Moreno Mansilla, stands next to the Royal Palace of Madrid and will house some of the treasures of Spanish National Heritage.
The gallery’s identity expresses its vocation for modernity and, at the same time, the nature and origin of its collections, works of art and articles from the old Royal Collections.
Its brand is a simplified crown together with an initial small ‘g’ that form a sign that is, at once, compact and open.
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World Flamenco
del Congress
Cervantes Institute
The Cervantes Institute, in its work to promote the Spanish language, holds an international Flamenco congress. Designed by Estrada Design and presented in Madrid in the month of May, its logo appears to the rhythm of a fragment of zapateado footwork by the dancer Carmen Amaya.
The logo, a lowercase letter ‘f’, divided in two, has several variations formed of its initial and a number of differing blue and black dots. This page shows several screens and copies of posters of the Congress’ activities.
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